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Reykjavik recent comments:

  • Kleppsspítali, Brenda Thomas (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    I am looking for a Bonnie Jean Nichols that might have been a recent patient. My number is in the U S 1 -918-321-3501. I am her mother Brenda J. Thomas and have been looking for her for two years.
  • Kleppsspítali, schweizer (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    When you like information for the years 1945 to 1953 kontakt Dr. Helgi Jón Schweizer living in Germany 86911 Diessen Egerstr. 3. he live at Kleppur and his mother was Thorbjörg Jónsdotti Schweizer
  • Skólavörðustígur 33 , Jason Bowling wrote 10 years ago:
    We rented both flats at this address for the week of Icelandic Independence Day 2015. Excellent location close enough to the downtown to walk but not too close that you have people causing a ruckus after leaving the bar at night. Wonderful accommodations, I would recommend this house if you were looking for a place to rent.
  • ICGV Óðinn, Mike25 wrote 10 years ago:
    Oldest ship of the ICG
  • ICGV Ægir, Mike25 wrote 10 years ago:
    beautiful ship
  • ICGV Týr, Mike25 wrote 10 years ago:
    I am the one who edit this but now i can't edit it, why?
  • Elliðavatn, Jon Sveinson (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    A lake at the outskirts of Reykjavik. Popular for summerhouses and fishing. It was named after the well known Blues musician Elliði Þorstenn Tumason or ET Tumason as he is better known after he donated half of his fortune so the local council could by a barbecue for lake side visitors to use.
  • Ísbúðin Hagamel, Anna Guðlaug Jóhannsdótti (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Megi vera tekið mark á athugsemd minni!
  • Ísbúðin Hagamel, Anna Guðlaug Jóhannsdótti (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Góðan daginn. Ég er með smá athugasemdir hér eftir veru mína í Ísbúðinni seint í gærkvöld. Það voru tveir að afgreiða og tveimur sem biðu eftir Bragðaref. Ég hef oft oft komið í ísbúðina en mér blöskraði alveg hvað þjónustan var léleg. Ég hef aldrei þurft að bíða eins lengi með eins fáum kúnnum. Ég spurði strákinn hvort hún gæti ekki afgreitt mig með einn lítinn ís, stelpa sem var að fylla á, þá sagði hann: Ja hún er eiginlega að fylla á svo að við þurfum ekki að vera eins lengi eftir lokun. Og áfram beið ég og beið, og þau voru mjög róleg hvort að sinna sínum kúnna. En það skiptir þau meira máli að komast fyrr heim heldur en að sinna því sem þau eiga að sinna; fólki sem kemur og fær sér ís! Þetta var alvega fatal og súkkulaðiísinn hafði ekkert súkkulaðibragð. Það gengur heldur ekki, það er greinilega búið að snarminnka súkkulaðihlutfallið í blöndunni en þá er þetta bara ekki súkkulaði ís. Þannig er það nú. En svona þjónsta er fyrir neðan allar hellur! Kær kveðja, Anna Gulla
  • Laugarnesapótek Pharmacy, Lara (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I have a yeast infection
  • Bauhaus, Dan (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    According to news it's scheduled to be opened in the spring of 2012
  • Monkey Place, Aleksey1972 wrote 14 years ago:
    Звери там чтоли ?
  • Isle of Duck, mark (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    awesome :)
  • Bæjarins Beztu, w8r wrote 14 years ago:
    the hot dogs are awesome here
  • Café Paris, w8r wrote 14 years ago:
    good cocktails & meals!
  • Höfuðstöðin, Guðlaugur (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    I was told it's built as a weapons' armoury by the British or Americans during the Second World War - then used as a potato storage? It was renovated some years ago (I don't know about the interior), I think it's now an art gallery. :)
  • Hringras, robert taylor (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    my name is robert taylor and this message is for the person that is over all operations of the company <manager>.i have worked for your company in nl.and enjoyed it also ,i was in robin hood bay in st.john's and in bay bulls.i was processing #3in robin hood bay and maintaining site ,to the best of my knowlege all was fine,with my work for your bay bulls i was processing #i,and#2 unloading trucks bringing in various metals to be sorted and processed.if trouble with equipment cane along it was dealt with to the best of my ability ,i have been aroud equipment a long time .it would have taken a serious problem to stop me sir/maam,acording to ingraum my forman in bay bulls and gunner nl.boss everyone was pleased with my work and said they looked forward to working ,just was person enjoyed to hear. on day a problem came up in bay bulls on komatsu excavater ,the sheer was the atachment i was cutting steel beams and tanks septic tanks when lower knife came off.
  • Eymundsson, tikihead (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    There's a cafe on the top floor.
  • Icelandic National Radio, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
  • Isle of Duck, earndal (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    ha ha ha I wish